Siegfried Mureșan announces new support from the EU: Moldova enjoys more credibility than ever

“Today, the Republic of Moldova enjoys more credibility than ever before,” said MEP Siegfried Muresan. Confidence in our country comes against the background of the war in Ukraine and the refugee crisis.

Mureșan made the statements during a conference held in Chisinau, on Europe Day, together with the Vice President of the Parliament, Mihai Popșoi. He pointed out that this factor allows the authorities in our country to request and benefit from more support at the international level.

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“This support (for Ukraine) is appreciated throughout the European Union. Today, the Republic of Moldova enjoys more credibility at the level of international partners than ever before and these things allow to obtain concrete support from the European level for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. We voted in the European Parliament for a macro-financial assistance of 150 million euros and the first tranche will soon come to Chisinau. The European Commission has proposed an additional budget support of 53 million euros and the money will be able to be used to support the citizens “, said Mureșan.

The European official also reported on the resolution on granting Moldova EU candidate status. At the same time, he suggested that the integration of Moldova’s economy with the European one is being worked on, in order to increase the standard of living.

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