Some Employees of the Russian Embassy in Chișinău Had Special Missions, Says Former Moldovan Ambassador

A portion of the staff at the Russian Embassy in Chișinău was engaged in activities beyond diplomacy, with distinct special assignments, according to former Moldovan Ambassador to Moscow, Anatol Țăranu. He notes that Russia’s behavior towards the Republic of Moldova has been provocative, making the establishment of diplomatic parity a fitting move by the authorities in Chișinău, as reported by IPN.

Two days ago, 45 employees of the Russian Embassy in Chișinău left the Republic of Moldova following the establishment of diplomatic parity between the two states. The former Moldovan Ambassador to Moscow characterizes Chișinău’s decision as timely, given Russia’s defiant statements towards the Republic of Moldova.

“Russian diplomacy behaves provocatively towards the Republic of Moldova. Let us recall the insolent statements that constantly emanate from Moscow, articulated by, for example, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not only by Russian deputies but also at the highest level, we have the statements of Lavrov, the Foreign Minister, which by no means seemed to be very diplomatic. This defiance emanating from Moscow is part of the behavior that Moscow has long assumed towards the former Soviet republics, especially towards those that have not demonstrated much dignity and responsibility concerning their sovereignty and state independence. Unfortunately, the Republic of Moldova falls into the category of these former Soviet republics, hence this audacious and insolent behavior of Russia, which constantly affects the image of the Republic of Moldova on the international stage,” said Anatol Țăranu during the “Reflection Points” program on Vocea Basarabiei.

According to Anatol Țăranu, some employees of the Russian Embassy had special missions in the Republic of Moldova. In the context of the aggression war in Ukraine, reducing the number of embassy staff is the best solution.


“Most or very many of those who were accredited here as diplomats were not only engaged in diplomacy, they had entirely different missions. But we are aware that not only Russia uses diplomatic points, and embassies, to carry out actions that are more related to special services, it is absolutely evident, but the situation in which the Republic of Moldova finds itself today is quite exceptional – it’s a war at the border, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, which is fighting against Russian aggression. On the part of Russian officials, warnings have been issued to the Republic of Moldova more than once, suggesting, ‘We want to create a land corridor to Transnistria, and further, our powerful and triumphant Russian army will reach even to the Prut and even to Bucharest,’ as some have said on Russian television. So, what should we do?” questions political commentator Anatol Țăranu.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has categorized the decision of the authorities in Chișinău to reduce the number of Russian Embassy staff as an unfriendly gesture that will have serious consequences for Moldovan-Russian relations. According to the Russian side, the decision of the authorities in Chișinău will impact the citizens of both countries, as they will no longer be able to receive timely consular assistance.

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