Start of joint Moldovan-Romanian customs clearance! Revenco announces that the mixed teams can start their activity on Wednesday

Ana Revenco announces that the joint customs clearance process can start on Wednesday morning. It says the lines have shrunk and a truck is crossing border control in about 14 minutes.

During a press briefing, Revenco specified that certain derogations will be applied for the implementation of the measure previously discussed by Prime Ministers Gavrilița and Ciucă. These will allow the use of Moldovan-Romanian customs equipment.

“During the meeting of the Commission of Exceptional Situations, important decisions were taken to allow, through an approved regulatory framework, the operation and facilitation of the activity of the joint teams. In practical terms, the derogations will allow the placement of mixed teams in Romania, the logistical use of computing technology, modular containers, mobile scanners and other equipment in its endowment. The derogations allow for the establishment of joint work offices and the approval of provisional rules of control and which will subsequently be adopted by the parties “, said Revenco.

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The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that in this way the authorities are ready to install themselves technically and to start from the first hour the project of the piles regarding the performance of joint controls. “We are notifying the partner authorities, so that the Romanian side is also part of this scheme,” Revenco said.

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