
State University of Moldova – member of the UNICA university network

Historic day for the State University of Moldova! Since June 30, 2022, USM is the ONLY higher education institution in Moldova that is a member of the UNICA university network.

The UNICA General Assembly unanimously approved USM’s candidacy to become a full member of this important and prestigious organization.

Thus, USM becomes an equal partner of the major university centers of European capitals, obtaining the right to speak at the round table, along with a list of prestigious universities, such as Imperial College of London, University of Bucharest, University of Vienna, Free University of Brussels, University of Amsterdam, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Helsinki, Sapienza University and others.

The event is all the more significant for USM and the Republic of Moldova as the UNICA Mission and Vision Document was approved on June 30. Unica committed to acting as a catalyst for the development, integration and cooperation of member universities across Europe.

UNICA is an institutional network of universities located in capitals of Europe. It was founded in 1990 and currently consists of 51 universities in 37 European capitals, combining over 180,000 university staff and 2,000,000 students.

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