Stoltenberg: NATO is looking for ways to protect the airspace of Moldova

The NATO Secretary General expressed satisfaction with the contribution of the North Atlantic Alliance to ensuring the security of the airspace of the Republic of Moldova during the recent summit of the European Political Community (EPC) and stated that the Western military-political organization is “constantly analyzing” how it can help Chisinau, including in air defense, transmits Europa Libera.

Jens Stoltenberg made this statement in response to a question from Europa Libera at a meeting with journalists on June 14 in Brussels, on the eve of a panel of NATO defense ministers.

During the ENP Summit, which took place on June 1 in Bulboaca, near Chisinau, NATO monitored Moldovan airspace using AWACS intelligence equipment. This technique can detect aircraft, missiles, and drones hundreds of kilometers away.

“Moldova is a close and long-standing partner” of NATO, Stoltenberg told journalists on June 14, adding that the parties agreed to intensify this partnership.

“Of course, we are concerned about how we can help you reform and strengthen your defense and security institutions and protect Moldovan airspace. We are constantly evaluating and discussing this with Moldova to see what kind of support we can offer,” said the NATO Secretary General.

On June 15-16, Brussels will host a meeting of NATO defense ministers to discuss the July summit of the Alliance in Vilnius and the prospects for Ukraine’s entry into NATO.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Minister of Defense of Moldova, Anatoliy Nosatii, will take part in a meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine, organized and led by the United States.

On June 6, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said that the NATO member countries support the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, and the military bloc will strengthen its political and practical support for the Republic of Moldova.

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