
Support for local entrepreneurship: 41.7 million lei in grants for 61 companies in Moldova

The Government of the Republic of Moldova, the European Union, and the World Bank, through the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship within the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, granted 41.7 million lei in grants to 61 local companies. These funds generated investments worth over 95 million lei in the economy. Among the supported companies, 48 receive funding from the state budget, 11 receive backing from European Union funds, and the World Bank finances one investment project.

ODA manages the distribution of grants through three programs. Under the Re-technologization and Energy Efficiency Program, 44 companies will receive 37.7 million lei in grants. These grants will support investments estimated at 86.7 million lei in the national economy. The funds will help purchase modern machinery and implement sustainable energy solutions, such as installing photovoltaic panels and re-technologizing production lines.

The Women’s Entrepreneurship Support Program will provide nine companies with grants totaling 4.16 million lei. Authorities expect these investment projects to generate 7.73 million lei for the economy. The funded projects aim to grow businesses in sectors like flour milling, baking and pastry, healthcare, and education.


The ”Development of the Entrepreneurial Capacities of the Republic of Moldova Diaspora 2” Program (D.O.M.D.E. 2) will grant 688 thousand lei to seven companies in education, manufacturing, mental health, and tourism. These grants will facilitate investments estimated at 917.2 thousand lei. The European Union funds the program, and ODA, Veneto Lavoro, and BRD support its implementation in collaboration with the International Center for Migration Policy Development and the Migration Partnership Facility.

In 2024, the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship helped 595 companies access grants totaling over 250 million lei. Nearly 179 million lei came from the state budget, and the European Union provided 54 million lei through the “EU for SMEs” project. Investments in the economy reached 532.4 million lei. The World Bank supported 20 companies through the Export Competitiveness and SME Internationalization Program with nearly 8 million lei.

Additionally, the Digital Innovation and Tech Startups Support Program provided non-reimbursable grants totaling 8.5 million lei to 20 companies, with financial support from the Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund, in partnership with the ”Technologies of the Future” Project, funded by USAID, Sweden, and the UK.

For more details about the entrepreneurial support programs, visit www.oda.md or call the Consultancy Center at Tel: 022 22 57 99.

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