Tag: electricity

Premier Gavriliță explains who will provide Moldova with electricity

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița says that the Moldovan authorities negotiate every month both with the representatives of the Cuciurgan Thermal Power Plant and with the energy companies in Ukraine in order to...

Ukraine will provide electricity supplies to the Republic of Moldova!

Ukraine's largest electricity producer, Energoatom, has started delivering electricity to Moldova on June 4th, at a price of $ 77 per MWh, according to the company's announcement.According to the agreements, Energoatom will...

In May, Moldova will buy electricity at an average price of $ 66.7

The Republic of Moldova will buy electricity in May at an average price of $ 66.7. For May, 70 % of the electricity will be produced by MGE, and 30 % by...

Moldova towards energetic independence from Russia

Moldova was part of the Soviet Union until 1991. Much of its infrastructure was not modernized since then, which in turn facilitated a heavy dependence on Russia on different aspects, especially ...

Household electricity bills to go up next month

As from April 1st, citizens of the Republic of Moldova will face another price increase for electric power. The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) will increase the rate up to 2.17...


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