Tag: inflation

Inflation in Moldova. 30% increase in consumer price in 2022

Average consumer prices in December 2022 compared to December 2021 (in the last 12 months) increased by 30.2%, including food products by 31.8%, non-food goods by 19.9%, and services provided to the...

Dark clouds are gathering over Moldova’s economy. IMF: Prices erode incomes

Between October 31 and November 29, 2022, a mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led by Mr. Ruben Atoyan held discussions in Chisinau and then remotely with the authorities of the...

Tobacco products, more expensive from 2023: The Government proposes a 25% increase, 10% more than planned

The authorities hope to earn more money for the state budget by increasing the excise duty on tobacco products by 25%. The proposal is contained in the Fiscal Policy bill for 2023,...

Inflation might decrease in 2023. See the BNM prognosis

The BNM forecasts inflation of 32.2% for 2022 and 26.3% in the first quarter of 2023. The data were presented by Governor Octavian Armașu, during a press conference, where the Inflation Report...

IMF: Moldova “grinded” by price increases and an economic growth equal to zero

The IMF says that the advance of the Moldovan economy will be equal to zero, driven by a contraction in investment and a slowdown in the growth of private consumption amid the...

Have the wages increased in Moldova?

In the second quarter of 2022, the nominal gross average monthly wage earnings, at units in the real sector with 4 or more employees and all budget institutions, was 10376.2 lei and...

When will the monetary policy be relaxed, according to Octavian Armașu

The interest rate will be reduced depending on how the conditions will evolve, how the inflation rate will be. If the trend will be a sustainable one, Moldova is going to move...

Euro dominates the foreign exchange market in cash

The total turnover of purchase / sale transactions against Moldovan lei of the main foreign currencies performed on the foreign exchange cash market in June reached USD 420.8 million, decreasing by 0.7%...


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