Tag: vineyards

The Prolific White Fetească Grape: Dominating Moldova’s Vineyards with 750 Hectares

White Fetească, also known as Leanka, Poama Fetei, Păsărească Albă, or Mädchentraube, is widespread in all regions of the Republic of Moldova except for the northern part. The majority of these hectares,...

Fetească Neagră: Exploring its Fruit Bouquet and Ideal Meat Pairings

Fetească Neagră is one of the four native grape varieties used to produce wines with the same name - Fetească Neagră. Vineyards in the Republic of Moldova, covered with this grape variety,...

Moldovan Wine Maestro: Simion Croitoru Pours Success in Portugal’s Vineyards

Like many other Moldovans in the early 2000s, Simion Croitoru ventured abroad. Little did he know at the time that he would settle in Portugal and make the locals fall in love...


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