“TEENerii Offline,” on RLive TV. Find out all about youth vacations in Moldova, rules, documents, and money

“TEENerii Offline” is the show title produced within the TV and Online Journalism Internship Program run by Realitatea Media Group. The five young women enrolled in the project produced content for their show. Nicoleta Sirbu produced the first edition, filming reports and interviews about young people’s vacations. She found their favorite locations, budget, the documents needed to cross the border, and alternatives for the sea and mountains.

Before they start packing their bags, underage travelers should know that without a parent or guardian by their side, they cannot cross the border unless they have made a declaration of consent. Border Police representatives and notary Viorica Nagacevschi explained this.

“In this declaration of consent, the following must be: the country of destination, the purpose of the destination, the period of the destination, and the accompanying person who will accompany the minor abroad,” says the notary.

The director of a travel agency discussed the offers and destinations preferred by young people from Moldova. A rest camp is a great option for those seeking a productive and educational vacation. Twenty-five young participants of the EU Media Camp learned about Moldova’s European integration processes, how to recognize the abundance of fake news online, and how to create quality media content.


“We want the young people here to know even a minimum information about what propaganda and manipulation means, to know that online fakes and fake news do not look like what we have gotten used to so far, to be clear that it is disinformation, but that they are unfortunately very cleverly constructed and are hard to spot, and of course to motivate them to become a decisive factor in bringing the Republic of Moldova closer to the European Union, a voice in the community they belong to, to make multimedia content about European integration, to make multimedia content about fake-news, about the deep fakes circulating on this topic,” says the communicator of the Media Center for Young People, Madalina Grosu.

Rlive TV created the show “TEENerii Offline” as part of the TV and Online Journalism Internship Program in partnership with the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport, and the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center under the aegis of the Chisinau City Hall.

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