Tensions Rise as Chișinău Blocks Russian Websites, Threatening Media Relations

Following the announcement by the authorities in Chișinău regarding the blocking of several Russian websites, which are ‘used in the information war against the Republic of Moldova,’ Vladimir Soloviov, the president of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, stated that ‘probably, in response to these actions, Russia will take measures against accredited journalists from Moldova.’ However, according to official data, the Republic of Moldova does not have accredited journalists in the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Soloviov, one of the main propagandists of the Kremlin, reacted to the news of the website blockings, mentioning that he expresses ‘regret for the actions of the Moldovan authorities and their Russophobic policies, which seriously restrict the activities of the Russian press, thus violating all norms of freedom of expression and the freedom to disseminate information as they declare on paper.’

He also did not hesitate to say that ‘probably, in response, Russia will take measures against accredited journalists from Moldova.’

According to data provided by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in fact, there are no accredited journalists from the Republic of Moldova in the Russian Federation. The same information was confirmed by Igor Zaharov, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova.

According to Reporters Without Borders, in terms of press freedom worldwide, the Republic of Moldova ranks 28th, while the Russian Federation is ranked 164th out of 180 participating countries.


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