The 660 thousand euros for strengthening Moldovan police capacities. The EU provides 40 Cars and 100 Body Cameras to IGP

Today, the General Police Inspectorate (IGP) received 40 vehicles and 100 body cameras from the European Union. This donation, worth 660,000 euros, was provided under an EU-funded project implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Moldova.

The donation aims to enhance police capabilities in emergency response and protect the rights of local community members. They will distribute the vehicles nationwide to ensure timely emergency responses. The body cameras will enhance police accountability and promote transparent interactions.

The handover ceremony took place at the IGP in Chisinau, attended by European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, Minister of Interior Adrian Efros, and IOM Moldova Head of Programs Damien Fresnel.


“This generous EU support addresses urgent needs that national authorities have expressed in emergencies, including the refugee crisis, border security, solidarity lines, and the energy crisis. It strengthens national capacities in line with the EU acquis and boosts citizens’ confidence through developing community policing. Today’s donation reflects the joint EU-Moldova commitments to protect the most vulnerable, Moldovans or refugees. It will provide Moldovan police with optimal conditions to perform their duties in a demanding and evolving environment. We believe this assistance will help develop a modern, accountable, and digital police force that enforces the law and is closer to its citizens,” said Olivér Várhelyi.

Adrian Efros expressed gratitude for the support, emphasizing that the donation will improve police mobility and public safety.

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