The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Moldova was ‘invited’ to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, ordered the summoning to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetsov. The head of Moldovan diplomacy wants to communicate the position of our country regarding the attempted illegal annexation by the Russian Federation of some Ukrainian territories.

A statement to this effect was issued by the spokesperson of the Ministry, Daniel Vodă.

“The Republic of Moldova has not recognized, does not recognize and will not recognize the results of the so-called plebiscite and condemns in the strongest terms the attempt to illegitimately annex the occupied territories of Ukraine, a fact that goes against all the principles of international law. Our country’s diplomacy reaffirms consistent support for Ukraine’s efforts to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and urges Russia to stop military aggression against our neighbors,” the document said.


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