
The Audiovisual Council monitors media institutions that report on the elections. It will conduct inspections to ensure compliance

The Audiovisual Council (CA) will monitor all television media service providers that have declared their intention to cover the presidential elections and the referendum on EU accession. At the suggestion of CA Vice President Aneta Gonta, inspections on the television stations that have committed to covering the elections have been initiated.

The verification will focus on compliance with declarations about editorial policy in election coverage, the provisions of the Electoral Code, and the regulations of the Central Electoral Commission regarding media reporting on elections.

The inspections will focus on news and current affairs programs, electoral debates, and electoral promotion shows.


According to CA representatives, out of the 39 active television channels registered in the CA’s media service providers’ registry, 19 have committed to covering the elections. Specifically, 18 channels will report on the elections through news and current affairs programs. Ten channels will host electoral debates, with six included in the “must carry” list. Additionally, 12 channels are obligated to provide airtime for electoral promotion.

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