The CEC approved two instructions on the partial implementation of postal voting

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) approved, at its meeting held today, August 8, 2024, two normative acts that refer to the Law on partial implementation of postal voting in the elections for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova and the republican constitutional referendum of October 20, 2024.

The CEC members approved the instruction on remote voter identification by digital means. This instruction regulates the identification of voters who have applied for postal voting, verifies their identity, and, where appropriate, confirms their registration application for postal voting.

The CEC also approved the instructions on the procedure for counting, tabulating, centralizing, and displaying the results of postal voting.


More details on the process of organization and conduct of the elections for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova and the republican constitutional referendum of October 20, 2024, will be published on the official website of the Commission, under the headings “Presidential Elections 20.10.2024” and “Constitutional Referendum 20.10.2024.”

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