The CEC rejected the applications for registration of two initiative groups to support candidates for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova

The Central Electoral Commission members examined and rejected the applications for registration of initiative groups in support of Valeriu Plesca and Ludmila Corsun.

At the meeting, the CEC registered five initiative groups to collect signatures in support of candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova nominated by a citizens’ group in support of candidate Tudor Ulianovschi and the political party “Our Party” in support of candidate Renato Usatii; a citizens’ group in support of candidate Irina Vlah; the political party “Coalition for Unity and Well-Being” in support of candidate Igor Munteanu; the political party “Action and Solidarity Party” in support of candidate Maia Sandu.

The CEC also confirmed the heads of the initiative groups and the persons responsible for finances (treasurers). The initiative groups will collect the signatures of the supporters up to and including September 20, 2024.


The CEC reiterates that the period for submission of documents for registration of initiative groups in support of candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova will end on August 31, 2024. Political parties and electoral blocs may apply for registration as referendum participants until September 20, 2024.

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