The Chisinau Economic Forum – Investments, Development, European Integration

On February 22-23, the “Chisinau Economic Forum – Development Investments, European Integration” takes place.

The event is dedicated to the development of the country’s economy and the attraction of new investments and brings together representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, the Parliament, and other institutions as well as the business environment of our country, investors, etc.

At the opening of the event, speeches will be given by:

  • HE Igor Grosu, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
  • HE Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
  • HRH Prince Radu of Romania
  • Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization
  • The European Union – economic partner of the Republic of Moldova
  • Mircea Abrudean, Minister, Head of the Chancellery of the Government of Romania
  • Adrian Oros, senator, former Minister of Agriculture
  • Ovidiu Naftănăilă, Charge d’affaires a.i., Embassy of Romania
  • Adrian Dupu, Secretary of State, Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova
  • Alexandru Machedon, StarNet Group President
  • Daniel Gheorghe, Member of Parliament, President of the Romania-Moldova Joint Parliamentary Commission
  • Marcin Krzyżanowski, Vice Marshal of Lower Silesia, Poland
    The pre-accession and accession period, Poland’s national and local experience
  • Istvan Vakar, Vice President of Cluj County Council
    The period of pre-accession and accession, Romania’s experience at the local level
  • Mihai Chirica, Mayor of the Municipality of Iași
    The period of pre-accession and accession, Romania’s experience at the local level


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