The duties of town halls before the elections: to provide billboards and spaces for meetings with voters

Town halls in the country must establish special places where election posters will be allowed. Local public administrations must also provide places for presidential candidates and candidates registered for the referendum to meet voters.

The deadline for identifying these venues is three days before the start of the electoral campaign. The Central Election Commission (CEC) will place information about poster locations and areas for candidate-voter meetings at institutional headquarters and communicate it to interested parties through mass media and other communication channels.

“According to the Regulation on the manner of provision, distribution, and dissemination of political and electoral advertising and messages of public interest, approved by CEC Decision No. 1155/2023, the fixed billboards will have a minimum area of 2 square meters and at least two for every 6,000 voters. In the case of municipalities, cities, towns, and communes, the authorities will ensure a minimum of one specially arranged place with fixed electoral billboards with an area of at least 2 square meters for each locality in their composition,” the officials of the authority said.


The billboards will be cleaned weekly, with the local public administration setting a “hygiene” day for the advertising spaces.

Presidential elections and the EU accession referendum will be in Moldova on October 20, 2024. The electoral campaign for these two elections starts on Friday, September 20, 2024.

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