The EU continues to provide support to the Moldovan communities to help the refugees

The European Union is providing 130,000 euros through its “Confidence Building Measures” program, implemented by UNDP, to support the response of host authorities and communities to the needs of Ukrainian refugees arriving in the Republic of Moldova.

With the support of the Health Platform set up under the EU’s “Confidence-Building Measures” program, 1,500 refugees temporarily housed on both banks of the Dniester River will benefit from health facilities. These include personal protective equipment, essential medicines. Beds, blankets, bed linen, pillows will also be provided.

The Health Platform mobilized six teams of volunteers in support of the refugees, consisting of five people each. Refugees in Ukraine will also be able to seek medical and psychological advice.

In the very first days after the aggression against Ukraine, 10 heaters were donated to the Palanca refugee sorting center, located on the border with Ukraine. At the same time, the Regional Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Domestic Violence in Gagauzia, which provides shelter for the refugees, received 20 units of equipment and household items, which would allow refugees to feel more comfortable.

“We in the European Union are really impressed by the overwhelming solidarity of the Republic of Moldova, from ordinary citizens to local and central authorities, with people fleeing their country in the context of aggression against Ukraine. The European Union responded promptly, providing immediate support to the Republic of Moldova, to help refugees who have found refuge in Moldova, on both banks of the Dniester. The EU is committed to providing ongoing support to the people of the Republic of Moldova, especially during this critical period, “said Jānis Mažeiks, EU Ambassador to Moldova.

“At this critical time, UNDP and the European Union are working with refugees fleeing violence and taking shelter in communities on both sides of the Dniester, where they are being offered a house. We give them immediate support and we will focus our efforts on facilitating the socio-economic inclusion of refugees “, said Dima Al-Khatib, UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Moldova.

Teachers, psychologists and educators from both sides will be involved in the Education Platform and will organize educational activities for about 250 Ukrainian children. In addition, the program offered refugee children toys, made by Igor Hîncu, who received a grant from the program five years ago to expand his business.

The European Union-funded “Confidence-Building Measures” program, implemented by the UNDP, contributes to building trust between the people on both banks of the Dniester River by involving them in joint development projects.

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