The Estonian expert, who created and implemented the Internet voting system in his country, Tarvi Martens and Epp Maaten, program director on cyber security, program leader in the Republic of Moldova was presented to the inter-institutional working group of Central Electoral Commission (CEC) for the development and piloting of the online voting information system. His mission is to bring to Moldova Estonia’s experience regarding the introduction of this election system.
During the discussions, Estonian experts explained how the internet voting process works in Estonia. Under the Estonian system, voters can vote for 7 days until election day using an identification number. The system also allows voting by mobile phone, using a mobile ID.
The participants in the working meeting also addressed the topic of securing voting via the Internet. Experts noted that the vote is encrypted, secret and secure. At the same time, each registration number is verified through the national home registration systems, as well as in the State Register of Voters
According to experts, the system is integrated and allows voting in several ballots, these being properly delimited, checked and completed.
We remind you that the Working Group was created at the initiative of the CEC and is made up of representatives of the Commission, the Electronic Government Agency, the Information Technology and Cyber Security Service, the Public Services Agency, the Information and Security Service, the National Center for the Protection of Personal Data , as well as of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections.
We specify that, recently, the Parliament approved the extensive amendment of the Electoral Code, mostly with the recommendations of international institutions, made after the electoral polls from 2010 until now, as well as of other national bodies.