UN Women Moldova launched the campaign ”For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Opportunities.” and calls for action to promote equal rights and create opportunities for all women and girls. This global campaign, organized for International Women’s Day, takes place in a symbolic year marked by several major international milestones: 30 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 25 years since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, and 10 years since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. These milestones hold even greater significance globally, where challenges to women’s rights and gender equality intensify.
Thirty years ago, world leaders committed to ensuring fair rights, opportunities, decision-making power, and security for women and girls worldwide by adopting the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPA). The Beijing Platform for Action remains the most comprehensive and visionary plan ever created to guarantee equal rights for all women and girls.
Since adopting the BDPA, Moldova has made significant progress. Women comprise 40% of Parliament members and 41.5% of local council members, while 24% of mayors are women. Women account for 21% of the National Army workforce (2024) and 28% of the Ministry of Internal Affairs workforce, with 9% holding senior leadership positions.
The country has strengthened its legal and policy framework on women’s rights and gender equality by adopting and amending laws to eliminate violence against women and domestic violence, introducing flexible work programs and alternative childcare services to increase women’s workforce participation, revising labor laws to enhance pay transparency and reduce the gender pay gap, and approving two National Action Plans on Women, Peace, and Security, along with other initiatives.
However, patriarchal social norms and gender stereotypes continue to affect women and girls. A 2024 study shows that over 50% of the population believes women should be responsible for household chores, while 27% think women do not belong in politics. Women compromise only 37.5% of ministers or cabinet members and 44.6% of leadership positions at various levels, compared to 55.4% held by men. The employment rate for women remains lower than for men: 36.8% for women compared to 44.7% for men in 2022, influenced by several factors, including childcare responsibilities. In 2022, the employment rate for women aged 25 to 49 with at least one child stood at 50.4%, while for women without children, it reached 64.8%. On average, women earn 15.6% less than men.
It’s time to act! The ”For ALL Women and Girls” initiative aims to promote action in three key areas: advancing women’s and girls’ rights, promoting gender equality, and supporting their empowerment. For International Women’s Day, UN Women will host a live podcast titled ”Equal Rights – Equal Opportunities” on March 9 at 16:00. Journalist Nata Albot will moderate the event, featuring discussions with Valentina Nafornita, Cristian Spataru, Ionela Hadarca, and Daniel and Alina Voda.
For the second year in a row, UN Women, in partnership with the Moldova Stock Exchange, will hold the ”Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” event on March 11. This event will open the stock trading day and call for action to create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable environment where stakeholders recognize diversity and female leadership as key drivers of economic progress.
On March 25, the Ellevator: Female Founder Conference will bring together industry leaders, investors, and business experts to provide female entrepreneurs with learning, mentorship, and networking opportunities. By facilitating connections and offering strategic tools for professional growth, the conference will act as a catalyst for innovation and success in women-led businesses.