The Hungarian Foreign Minister has revealed what European officials privately discussed about Moldova’s EU accession

Some European Union foreign ministers are allegedly trying to delay the EU’s enlargement. At least so says the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijjarto, who is on an official visit to Moldova.

Asked by Moldovan journalists about our country’s accession to the European Union, Szijjarto revealed what the heads of European diplomacy are discussing behind closed doors. According to him, they are not saying they are against it, but they are invoking measures for integration.

“Our most important task is to end the hypocrisy surrounding EU enlargement in Brussels. Many EU countries publicly express strong support for enlargement, but I am present when the media and candidates are not. Behind closed doors, many of my fellow foreign ministers speak against it rather than for it. They don’t outright say they oppose Moldova or any other candidate country. Instead, they set conditions, demand improvements, and highlight five or eight areas where they expect progress before moving forward. Some argue that focusing on the accession quality is more important than speeding up the process.


A pro-enlargement EU presidency should foster open and honest discussions, ensuring that those who publicly support enlargement also advocate for it privately. Poland, another strong proponent of enlargement, will follow the Hungarian presidency. We view this issue as a matter of professional integrity,” the official from Budapest stated.

At the same time, the head of the Hungarian diplomacy said that the administration in Budapest is concerned about the world order and creating a new impetus for the European Union and that the enlargement of the community will benefit it. According to him, Hungary will contribute to the European integration of our country and offer its expertise in this process.

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