The number of Ukrainians granted temporary protection in Chisinau has reached around 33 thousand

The number of Ukrainian refugees legalizing their stay in Moldova is steadily growing. According to the General Inspectorate for Migration, 32,810 Ukrainian citizens are granted temporary protection status in Chisinau.

The data presented by the IGM on August 26 show a steady increase in the number of persons in the Chisinau municipality, on average, by 500 per week.

Of the total beneficiaries, 7,883 are children in Chisinau municipality alone.

Also, 2,569 beneficiaries are Ukrainian citizens aged 60+.


“These statistics reflect our efforts to provide protection and support to all those in need in Chisinau and across Moldova. We remain committed to ensuring safety and support for all temporary protection beneficiaries. We are working to expand and improve school infrastructure so that Ukrainian children have access to quality education. Also, the temporary protection status provides refugees with a wide range of medical services they can receive free of charge in municipal medical institutions,” says the Deputy Mayor of Chisinau.

The municipal authorities emphasize the need to obtain temporary protection status, which offers the following rights:

  • To work;
  • to receive primary and emergency health care;
  • access to general education for minors;
  • to benefit from social assistance measures.

A total of 57,611 refugees from Ukraine are granted temporary protection in Moldova.

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