The Parliament of Moldova organized an exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution

The parliament is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution. The display features over 150 publications from the National Library of Moldova and the Library of the Parliament’s Museum, showcasing the state’s Fundamental Law.

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the exhibition includes the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, adopted on 29 July 1994, along with its latest amendments. It also displays collections of rulings by the Constitutional Court and decisions interpreting the Constitution.

A special protocol edition of Moldova’s Constitution, provided by the president of the Constitutional Court, is featured prominently. The exhibition includes works by former Constitutional Court judges, university professors, and constitutional law experts, such as Alexandru Arseni, Victor Popa, Victor Puscas, Pavel Barbalat, Boris Negru, Nicolae Osmochescu, Gheorghe Costachi, Liliana Creanga, Ion Guceac, Valeriu Kuciuk, and Andrei Smochina.


In addition, the exhibition presents a series of archive documents, including an informative note on the work of the Commission for the Elaboration of the Constitution, shorthand reports of the plenary meetings during which the draft Constitution was discussed and adopted, voting results, and a nominal list of the MPs.

Titled “Constitution of the Republic of Moldova – 30 Years Since Adoption,” the exhibition will be open to parliament visitors until 2 August.

The Republic of Moldova’s Constitution Day is celebrated annually on 29 July. Moldova adopted the Fundamental Law on 29 July 1994.

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