The President of the Swiss Confederation, the guest of Maia Sandu. What did they discuss?

Security issues, the difficulties in the energy sector and the economic situation in the country were some of the topics discussed today, October 21, by the country’s president, Maia Sandu, with the president of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis, who is on a working visit to the country Our.

“We emphasized that we count on Switzerland’s support in the development of the energy sector from renewable sources and we emphasized the importance of signing the free trade agreement with EFTA for our exporters,” Sandu announced about what he also talked about with the Swiss guest.

The two officials also discussed bilateral cooperation, “as Switzerland is an important development partner of the Republic of Moldova”.


“We have determined that we will jointly agree on the areas of support for the coming years”, the announcement of the president of our country also states.

The head of state mentioned that Ignazio Cassis showed interest in returning to the Republic of Moldova next spring, where he will participate in the second summit of the European Political Community – a useful platform for identifying solutions to common problems faced by European countries.

We specify that Ignazio Cassis is in the Republic of Moldova for the second time this year. The first visit to Chisinau was in March.

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