The pride of Moldova returns home! RLIVE TV broadcasts the welcoming ceremony of the champions live

Moldovan Olympians return home on Monday. A special ceremony will follow to honor the medalists: Anastasia Nichita, who returns with silver, and Serghei Tarnovschi, the bronze medalist.

The plane carrying our athletes will take off from Beauvais at 10:00 local time and land around 13:40 Moldova time in Chisinau. The RLIVE TV team will broadcast live from the airport, capturing the champions’ first statements upon their return to the country.

Our colleague, Traian Stoianov, will welcome the athletes, congratulate them, and interview them to learn more about their experience in the competition.


The Republic of Moldova won four medals at the Paris Olympics. Judokas Denis Vieru and Adil Osmanov, along with canoeist Serghei Tarnovschi, secured three bronze medals. Wrestler Anastasia Nichita became an Olympic vice-champion and won silver.

At the same time, officials will reevaluate Marin Robu. The weightlifter, who placed fourth, claims that judges incorrectly scored his Italian opponent. Consequently, the Moldovan athlete has filed a complaint.

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