The refugee crisis seen through the eyes of a Moldovan official

The war in Ukraine has generated an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the whole region. In these circumstances, the Moldovan authorities have assumed managing the huge influx of refugees coming to our country.

In addition to the humanitarian and emotional help provided by Republic of Moldova to the citizens of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a video report on the efforts of the Police Border, which has been on duty day and night to provide support for Ukrainian refugees, crossing the border with the Republic of Moldova.

As of 24 February, Chief Commissioner Oleg Craevschi has been in charge
with the help of colleagues, as Acting Head of the East Regional Directorate, a
General Inspectorate of Border Police. “In the early days it was very difficult to watch everything that was happening. people they were scared, stressed. Refugees say it’s very scary… even then when you talk about it, they start crying. We of course helped them. As much as I could, that’s how I supported them. The teams were immediately fortified with new people, so that the refugees can cross the border faster “, mentions Oleg Craevschi.

The drama that every family has to go through to find a safe place and to take refuge, leaving behind everything they have built a lifetime, cannot leave you without tears. Oleg Craevschi says that in addition to the support professionally provided by border guards to refugees from Ukraine, he tried to create a safety zone and minimum comfort for them, as
once they cross the border with the Republic of Moldova, they can feel protected.

“People greet the refugees with tea and coffee. Everyone helps by bringing clothes, blankets, because the nights are quite cold. In the villages, people help, with transport, food, and other necessary things. Doctors are on duty non-stop. For children we installed TVs, in the hall, outside… so that they at least have a little distraction. watching cartoons, and we put special lamps on them to keep them warm.“ Chief Commissioner Oleg Craevschi thanked the citizens of the Republic of Moldova for aid to refugees in Ukraine, noting that in these difficult times, people mobilized and everyone contributed what they could. We invite you to watch the video report at this link.

The content campaign launched by the Ministry of Interior is meant to diminish
any hostile and manipulative feelings towards Ukrainian refugees. The campaign involves the development of several visual materials (photo, video and writing) that deal with the refugee crisis, throughout the chain intervention, from the efforts of the authorities and volunteers, to accommodation and the stories of refugees temporarily settled in our country.

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