The Republic of Moldova – essential for the security of the European Union

”The Republic of Moldova is as important for the security of the European Union as Ukraine is. The Europeans cannot live safely within the borders of the 27 Member States if we do not have safe, stable and prosperous countries in our immediate vicinity. I have conveyed this to the European Parliament many times in recent years,” said the Romanian MEP Siegfried Mureșan, Vice-President of the European People’s Party. 

”In recent weeks, with the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, this has become apparent to everyone. The European Union is beginning to better understand the importance of the Republic of Moldova for our security.”

”Fortunately, there is currently a pro-European president in Moldova, a pro-European government resulting from free, democratic elections and a pro-European, transparent majority, which has begun to implement the reforms expected by the people,” added him.

„The Republic of Moldova has shown in the last year that it wants and can implement the reforms agreed with the European Union and that it wants European integration. Chisinau authorities have shown commitment to reforms, despite facing many external challenges in the past year, such as misinformation, the threat of disruption to gas supplies, and now a border war and a crisis of refugees.”

Chisinau authorities have taken major legislative initiatives in recent months. Progress has been made on reforms, especially in the area of ​​justice and the rule of law, such as the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office to assess the performance of the Attorney General, bills on amending the Constitution or amendments to the law on the National Integrity Authority.

”In addition, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have all seen that the Republic of Moldova has proven to act on the basis of European values ​​and principles. Both the Chisinau authorities and the citizens of the Republic of Moldova acted in a European spirit: they opened the borders for refugees from Ukraine who needed help, they provided them with water, food, shelter,” noted Mureșan.

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