The scandal about Raducanu’s “connections” with Platon and Shor is gaining momentum. Maia Sandu is waiting for evidence


Moldovan President Maia Sandu expects the head of the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office, Veronica Dragalin, to prove that Tatiana Raducanu, a member of the Supreme Security Council and a member of the Pre-Vetting and Vetting Commission, is linked to Veaceslav Platon and Ilan Shor. She made the statement in the Cutia Neagra program on TV8.

The head of state requested an explanation for the delayed appearance of the phone containing compromising messages from a conversation dating back to 2014. She emphasized that she could only remove Reducanu from the Supreme Security Council after seeing clear evidence.

“The individual in question has made allegations, and she must provide substantiating answers. Similarly, the prosecutor’s office must clarify the source of this information, assess its credibility, and determine its current reliability. Concrete evidence plays a pivotal role in this assessment. We will rigorously investigate the matter, and if compelling evidence emerges indicating her involvement in any wrongdoing, will be taken measures. However, as of now, I haven’t encountered such evidence, and without it, I can’t make a decision,” said Maia Sandu.


Tatiana Raducanu, a former member of the pre-vetting committee, announced her resignation on Tuesday, 15 May. The official spoke about the letter addressed to state institutions and said the information alleged in the document was false.

Veronica Dragalin’s letter to the pre-vetting commission has reached the public. In her message, she stated that Ilan Shor’s current lawyer, Aureliu Colenco, representing Veaceslav Platon’s interests in 2013, exchanged messages with the controversial businessman and called Tatiana Raducanu “our man.”

According to a document signed by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office chief, Tatiana Raducanu helped Veaceslav Platon to sell to the state the current office of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy at a price almost double the official value.

Contacted by Realitatea, Aureliu Colenco claims that he has not spoken to Tatiana Raducanu for about seven years and does not remember those messages sent to Veaceslav Platon. At the same time, the lawyer claims that the former member of the pre-vetting commission is a good and professional specialist.