
The war in Ukraine will affect Moldova’s economic growth for 2022

The International Monetary Fund forecasts economic growth for the Republic of Moldova of only 0.3%. Prime Minister Natalia GavriliČ›a stated that the IMF’s forecast coincides with the prognosis of the Government in Chisinau, according to disinfo.md.

“After the talks with the IMF, we reached the same conclusion. The forecast is an economic growth of 0.3% with significant external risks, depending on how the situation in Ukraine will evolve. I discussed with the IMF the need for additional funding under the Fund program signed at the end of last year. In a short time we will have a new IMF mission in which we will come up with an updated program “, said Natalia GavriliČ›a.

According to the previous forecast announced by the IMF in October last year, the economy of the Republic of Moldova in 2022  was going to register a  5.2% growth.

The Republic of Moldova has requested a program revision with the International Monetary Fund in order to obtain additional funding in the context of the future effects that the war in Ukraine will have on the national economy.

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