Trade between Moldova and Turkey to reach 1 billion dollars

Moldova and Turkey plan to intensify their trade exchanges. The subject was discussed by the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, with his counterpart in Ankara, and the estimated figure reaches 1 billion dollars.

According to the Moldovan official, there is room for expanding exports. Moldova brings seeds, sunflower oil, corn, wheat, cherries, apples, apricots, and garlic to the Turkish market.

“We want to take over Turkey’s experience in the field of vegetable processing and irrigation, we also want to improve the legal framework related to the livestock sector, to be able to enter the Turkish market with animal products and live animals. As a result of our collaboration, we have set ourselves the goal of reaching a trade exchange of up to 1 billion US dollars. I am sure that there is room to increase the exported quantities of Moldovan agricultural products”, suggests the minister.

At the same time, Bolea states that, in recent years, imports of citrus fruits, mineral waters, bakery products, fresh and dried grapes, yeasts, wheat flour, peanuts, nuts, and other dried fruits have increased in Moldova.


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