Trade unions and employers: EU awaits employment directives implementation

After more than ten years of transposition, the Republic of Moldova has to show Brussels that it knows how to put into practice the European directives related to social policy and employment. Eduard Gurin, Chairman of the Human Capital Committee of the European Business Association, and Sergiu Iurcu, Senior Advisor of the Department of Social and Economic Protection of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, made the statements as guests on the Rlive TV program “Consens National.”

“We have almost ten years since implemented European directives into our legislation. Such as those related to overtime work and equal pay for women and men. Some of them have already produced some results. Employers expect more flexible regulations through these negotiations. The business community is ready to get involved in the negotiation process,” said the chairman of the European Business Association’s committee.

According to him, many rules in EU directives are recommendatory and give freedom to EU member states. Eduard Gurin expressed his hope that the Moldovan authorities will commit themselves to putting into practice exactly as much as they can do in order not to disappoint European partners in the future. Representatives of the Trade Unions of Moldova also supported it.


“The European Union is interested in implementation, not so much transposition. We now analyze and transpose European directives with approved regulations, orders, and resolutions. They are interested in the European framework transposition into our legislation, and the next step is implementation, which is difficult,” said Sergiu Iurcu.

The social acquis includes minimum standards in labor law, equality, health and safety at work, and anti-discrimination. The European Union has a social fund to support the implementation of its employment strategy, and member countries participate in social dialog and employment policy processes.

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