UNFPA Launches Campaign Against Sexual Violence in Moldova Ahead of Denim Day

In anticipation of the international day of solidarity with victims of sexual violence, Denim Day, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Moldova, in partnership with the Moldovan government and parliament, the International Center “La Strada,” and the Women’s Law Center, has launched the awareness-raising and social mobilization campaign against sexual violence, “Prinde Aripi. Set Free.”

The event took place today in the square of the “Maria Biesu” Opera and Ballet Theater in Chisinau, during which over 100 participants, including doctors, psychologists, social workers, police officers, volunteers, and representatives of the diplomatic corps, gathered at a public event to convey messages of support to survivors of sexual violence.


People involved in documenting, identifying, treating, and rehabilitating survivors have recounted untold stories of sexual violence.

“My experience of the last 25 years as a gynecologist has shown me that many of the women I have provided medical services to have been subjected to sexual violence, but not all of them have the courage to discuss this topic. Fear is to blame. It is important for the population to know that in the Republic of Moldova, there are services that can offer help in cases of sexual violence. It is important that they contact support within the first 72 hours. Anyone can benefit from help, both those from the Republic of Moldova and refugees from Ukraine,” said Dr. Victoria Ciubotaru, obstetrician-gynecologist at the IMSP Mother and Child Institute.

According to statistics, worldwide, one in 10 women has suffered some form of sexual violence since the age of 15, and one in 20 has been raped. At the same time, a global study by UNFPA shows that girls and women with disabilities face up to 10 times more gender-based violence. And the data of the General Inspectorate of the Police of the Republic of Moldova show that the share of reported crimes regarding sexual violence increased from 1.67% to 2.36%, in the period 2016-2022.

The Republic of Moldova has made significant progress in preventing and combating sexual violence, especially in terms of legislation and response services. At the same time, the phenomenon remains an acute problem in our country, because due to the lack of information about available services, but also fear and stereotypes in society, survivors are left without the support they need, and most cases are unreported.

In recent years, UNFPA Moldova, in cooperation with implementing partners and state institutions, has contributed to the strengthening of response services in cases of sexual violence. The standardized clinical protocol on the clinical management of rape cases was developed, multi-sectoral training of specialists involved in the management of sexual violence cases was offered, medical staff assistance and consultation services were developed through the emergency telephone line, post-rape for the prophylactic treatment of rape survivors, administered within the first 72 hours.

The UNFPA resident representative in the Republic of Moldova, Dr. Nigina Abaszada, mentioned that:

“Sexual violence takes many forms: harassment, assault, exploitation, rape, online crime and all have a devastating effect on survivors, family, community, and society. Victims face stigma, which is why we decided to mobilize service providers. Our campaign slogan is “Prinde Aripi.” Set Free”, through which we aim to increase awareness and information for survivors of sexual violence, promote compassion from service providers and amplify the voices of survivors through professionals. Only together will we be able to protect and save girls and women from the phenomenon of sexual violence and only in this way will we be able to contribute to them having a free life to live in dignity.”

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, emphasized the commitment of the Government in the fight against sexual violence.

“Violence of any kind has no excuse or justification. It’s important to be aware of and convey this message. Today, I want to urge the mass media to encourage women to oppose and report sexual violence, both to relevant institutions and to organizations dealing with the rehabilitation of survivors of sexual violence. We must identify in time the risks that lead to the emergence of this phenomenon that cannot be tolerated. It’s a common problem. We cannot build a prosperous society when violence is among us.”

The awareness and social mobilization campaign against sexual violence “Prinde Aripi. Set Free” aims to inform the general public about the issue of sexual violence and to promote the services available to survivors, as well as to mobilize the actors involved in preventing and combating this phenomenon.

The awareness and social mobilization campaign against sexual violence “Prinde Aripi. Set Free” aims to inform the general public about the issue of sexual violence and to promote the services available to survivors, as well as to mobilize the actors involved in preventing and combating this phenomenon.

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