Applause, flowers, and unique moments – such emotions were experienced by all nearly 1000 spectators of last year’s VinOpera International Classical Music Festival. The vibrations of the music, the light show, and the voices of the artists complemented the outdoor atmosphere at our country’s most beautiful tourist attraction.

Last year, 150 people prioritized the wine train, as the organizers urged, and in this edition as well, in order to limit carbon emissions into the atmosphere. This year, VinOpera is expanding and is of even greater grandeur – it will take place in three different locations, with a larger audience expected at Castel Mimi, and 500 cars will remain parked in ChiÈ™inău.

On August 30th and 31st, in VarniÈ›a and Bulboaca, the concerts will be free of charge. All admirers of Constantin Moscovici are expected there, as he will give a recital of international hits on the pan flute. Those who adore the music of PlăieÅŸii, led by Nicolae Gribincea, as well as all fans of Nicu Ţărnă and “Gându Mîţei Band,” are encouraged to come with their families and friends to witness an exceptional show, featuring rhythms of alternative rock and urban folklore.
And on the gala evening, on September 1st, the great Romanian conductor Daniel Jinga invites all music lovers to a classical music recital, good wine, and the joy of relaxation in the open air, under the starry sky, at Castel Mimi. An emotionally charged symphonic performance awaits you. The Orchestra of the National Opera of Bucharest and that of the “Serghei Lunchevici” National Philharmonic of ChiÈ™inău come to create magic under the starlit sky.

Classical music will be elevated by the most beautiful voices of the Bucharest and ChiÈ™inău Opera – Mădălina Barbu, a soprano in the rare category of coloratura sopranos; Lilia Istratii, a Moldovan soloist from the State Opera in Craiova and a laureate of several thematic competitions; the tenors Iordache Basalic and Dumitru Mîţu, unmistakable voices that will awaken unique emotions in all spectators.
For more details and the complete event schedule, visit HERE.

The VinOpera International Classical Music Festival, organized by the Constantin Mimi Foundation, is financially supported by the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Culture, the Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu,” and Castel Mimi.
The Realitatea media group is the general media partner of the event. Keep following us for more details.