(VIDEO) How did the Czech Republic become an EU member, and how has life changed since 2004?

The Czech Republic is a developed country with a rich culture and history, its own identity, and cultured people. It is a reliable partner in trade relations, a respected member of international organizations, and an honorable partner in the European community. It is one of the safest countries in Europe, with a population of 10.67 million. But it was not always so.

The Czech Republic joined NATO in 1999, the EU in 2004, and the Schengen area in 2007. Before joining the EU, the country’s GDP was around €106 billion, and in 2022 – €304 billion.

Citizens’ salaries have skyrocketed from €550 in 2004 to €1500 in 2022. After EU accession, foreign direct investment (FDI) increased substantially, from €45 billion in 2004 to €150 billion in 2022.


Life expectancy has also increased. In 2004, it was around 72 for men and 79 for women. In 2022, life expectancy has risen to 76 for men and 82 for women.

This article is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we tell the story of the path EU member states have traveled in the process of European integration and the economic growth they have achieved as a result of membership.

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