(VIDEO) Italy supports Moldova’s accession to the EU: a Declaration of support signed in Chisinau

Italy supports Moldova’s accession to the European Union. The assurance came from the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who is currently on a working visit to Chisinau. Moldova and Italy signed two significant acts, especially for our country. These are a Joint Declaration on Moldova’s accession to the EU support, signed by Deputy Prime Minister Cristina Gherasimov and Italy’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli.

At the same time, officials announced a cultural cooperation program between the governments of Chisinau and Rome for 2024-2027.

“I am honored to host the first official visit of an Italian President to the Republic of Moldova. Your visit sends a strong message of friendship and support for our country, especially in the complicated regional security context.

Today, the Republic of Moldova is firmly committed to the European Union accession path. We appreciate Italy’s support for our country’s European path. The joint declaration signed today in the European integration of the Republic of Moldova support is a new and firm sign of support. Italy’s firm and unequivocal support confirms that our country has friends and encourages us to resist the challenges we face.

We have a big Moldovan community in Italy. Many of our fellow citizens work and develop businesses in your country. Rome, Venice, Milan, and Verona are no longer just tourist attractions for them but have become their second home. Others have used their years in Italy as inspiration to open businesses at home in the Republic of Moldova. Today, we can see dozens of bakeries, restaurants, and small businesses in Chisinau and other parts of the country inspired by the Italian experience of Moldovan entrepreneurs. They have brought with them not only delicious recipes but also a part of the Italian soul, creating a unique culinary combination appreciated by all.


Moldova and Italy cooperate in multiple sectors. Just now, we witnessed the signing of the cultural cooperation program for 2024-2027. At the same time, I would like to underline the cooperation in the energy sector, which has helped Moldova to overcome the energy crisis. Italy’s generous contribution under the Support Platform for Moldova in 2022 and 2023 has offset part of the energy bills paid by our citizens during the cold season. With Italian money, Moldova installed tens of thousands of smart energy meters. The meters will allow consumers to reduce their household electricity consumption”, said Maia Sandu in her speech.

At the end of her speech, the head of state urged all Moldovans, both at home and abroad, to take part in the referendum on our country’s integration into the European Union, which will be on 20 October.

“We are optimistic about Moldova’s accession to the EU, but we remain vigilant about the security situation caused by Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine,” she concluded.

Sergio Mattarella’s visit is the first official visit of a President of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Moldova. Italy is one of the most important partners of our country. Italy hosts the largest community of Moldovans in the diaspora, which contributes to strengthening the ties between the two countries, developing the economy of both countries, and strengthening the bridges between people and communities based on cultural affinities.

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