(VIDEO) Supported by PSRM, Stoianoglo has officially launched his candidacy for the presidency: “People want justice”

Alexandr Stoianoglo, supported by the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM), has officially announced his candidacy for the presidency. The former Prosecutor General enters the race with the slogan: “People want justice.”

In his speech, the former Prosecutor General mentioned several categories of citizens he believes feel wronged. He referred to teachers, retirees, people from rural areas, legal professionals, journalists, the diaspora, young people, and other social groups.

“Every group of citizens deserves its form of justice. Professionals in the justice system want to perform their duties without facing abuse, blackmail, or political dictatorship. (…) Currently, all families in Moldova feel wronged due to the excessive gas, heating, and energy—rates resulting from questionable schemes.”

“People in rural areas feel neglected and abandoned by the government. Those in trade and local producers complain about draconian taxes and extremely difficult, nearly impossible conditions for exporting their products,” said Stoianoglo.

At the same time, Socialist leader Igor Dodon expressed confidence that Stoianoglo could reach the second round of the presidential elections and even secure the presidency.

At the beginning of July, Alexandr Stoianoglo announced his presidential candidacy with the support of the Socialists. The former Prosecutor General and the party clarified that although the party supported him, it did not officially endorse his candidacy.

The former official stated that he is apolitical and made this decision because of the injustice in Moldova. “I support European integration. However, it troubles me when European integration is used as a tool of oppression rather than as an ambitious goal. (…) Moldova should be a neutral European country that fosters cooperation between nations and peoples, provides social guarantees, and ensures security,” Stoianoglo said.


Currently, more than ten candidates have announced their intention to run in the elections, including Maia Sandu, Alexandr Stoianoglo, Ion Chicu, Andrei Nastase, Tudor Ulianovschi, Irina Vlah, Renato Usatii, Vasile Bolea, Natalia Morari, Victoria Furtuna, and others.

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will first register the initiative groups for nominating candidates. Once the potential candidates collect the necessary signatures and submit the required documents, the CEC will decide whether to register them or refuse their entry into the elections.

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