The creation of a 50 million euro fund for the municipalities of the Republic of Moldova twinned with those from across the Prut for the realization of projects needed by citizens and the amendment of the Romanian Citizenship Law to reduce the deadline for regaining Romanian citizenship. These are the two priorities announced by Adrian Dupu, the National Liberal Party’s candidate for senator for the diaspora. He stated it during the program “Realitatea te priveste” with Valentina Ursu, broadcast on RLIVE TV.
“First of all, there is a bill submitted by the National Liberal Party, which has passed the Senate and is in the Chamber of Deciders, which creates a fund for the municipalities of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, which are twinned, a fund of 50 million euro. It is a bill initiated by the National Liberal Party, and I will fight for it to be adopted and promoted in the next legislature, and not only that. I will ensure this fund receives money yearly because passing the law means nothing without implementing it. And it will be one of my priorities.
Then, as I said, amending the Citizenship Law. It is very much needed. I’m not saying this for electoral purposes people who are waiting for citizenship do not vote, but I know that it is unfair for them to wait so long, and I will get involved and make sure that this problem is solved,” said Adrian Dupu.
Adrian Dupu is the National Liberal Party candidate for senator in the diaspora and is the first on the PNL list for the constituency outside Romania’s borders.
Romania’s parliamentary elections will take place from November 30 to December 1. In the Republic of Moldova, there will be 59 polling stations: 17 in the north, 34 in the center, and 8 in the south.