VinOpera – The Ultimate Experience of Music and Elegance! Why a ticket is worth the investment

Dear music and beauty enthusiasts, the time has come to unveil why a ticket to the VinOpera International Festival, scheduled for September 1st at the magnificent Castel Mimi, is worth your investment!

Castel Mimi – The Dreamlike Setting of Elegance

VinOpera is not just a festival; it is a magical journey into a world of refinement and beauty. Castel Mimi, our prestigious host, was chosen as the venue for the European Political Community Reunion on June 1st, 2023, showcasing its international stature. Here, history and music intertwine to create a memorable experience.

International Awards – Recognizing Excellence

VinOpera has been honored with two prestigious international awards. This recognition reflects our commitment to quality and perfection in event organization. We take pride in offering impeccable service and bringing the highest level of comfort and convenience.

Elegance and Musical Mastery

Proudly presenting Romania’s finest orchestra, led by Maestro Jinga and accompanied by exceptional soloists like Mîțu. Their virtuosity will take you on a musical journey that will touch your soul.

Dress Code and Atmosphere

At VinOpera, elegance is at home. Our dress code invites you to don gala attire, adding an extra charm to the event. The goal is to provide you with a complete experience in an atmosphere of refinement and joy.

Culinary Delights and Comfort

From unlimited coffee to the sophistication of our services, the VinOpera International Festival is committed to offering you the best experiences. We await you with organized parking, a superb stage, high-quality screens, and all the comfort you deserve.

Now is the time to invest in an experience that will stay in your heart forever. Tickets for the VinOpera International Festival are now available! Join us on September 1st to celebrate music, elegance, and beauty at the fanciest event in the Republic of Moldova.

For more information and ticket purchases, visit to buy a ticket. You can also find the final event agenda there.

Over 60 musical talents await you on September 1st at Castel Mimi.

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