
Viorel Gherciu: There are multiple factors that explain the inflation in Moldova

According to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Viorel Gherciu, several factors have led to the inflation we have now. Despite the fact that we are an agricultural country, we are still dependent on imported energy resources as well as on the import of fertilizers and seed material. The opinion was expressed during the show “Rezoomat” from RliveTV and realitatea.md.

“It is important to be aware that despite being an agricultural country, the Republic of Moldova is very dependent on imports. 98% of the fertilizers are imported and so are the energy resources and also the seed material. All this is reflected in the price of agri-food products, even those products from last year, which have been stored. Storage and transport costs have increased, salaries for employees have increased, of course as a result of these price increases in the chain, accordingly food prices have also increased “- explained the Minister of Agriculture.

No matter how things go in the war in Ukraine, which has disrupted supply and import chains, the authorities will do everything they can to ensure the country’s food security, says the official.

“It is very difficult to make an objective forecast at the moment, because no one knows how the events will unfold regarding the war in Ukraine, which disrupted the delivery of goods. Still, we must be prepared for any future price increases. However, we will continue to ensure the country’s food security. ” – mentioned Viorel Gherciu.

We remind you that, according to the latest NBM report, the inflation rate in April of this year was 27.6% compared to the same month last year.

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