Radu Marian: “The “Prima Casa” Plus program was extended to give more Moldovan citizens access to financing for the purchase of housing”

The “Prima Casa” (First Home) Plus program, voted by MPs at the July 31 sitting, was extended to give more Moldovan citizens access to financing for the purchase of housing, but without including the diaspora. Economics Committee Chairman Radu Marian argues that if authorities included citizens from abroad, “we would have seen an even bigger increase in real estate prices.”

“We did not include the diaspora in the current version of the approved law. When the diaspora comes home, they will have access to the program. We want to encourage people to return to the country,” Radu Marian, the chairman of the Economy Committee, told BANI.MD.

According to the MP, if one family member has gone abroad and another has stayed in Moldova, the one who stayed at home can apply for the program.


“We cannot allow real estate purchased under the program to be used for general investments or bought and left unused. This issue contributes to rising prices, as many houses are currently unoccupied. But that’s not the only problem. The state allocates money for compensation – 400 million lei for this program. Quite expensive. We will use the program for those who need the housing. Those who want to buy housing for investment can do it, not necessarily using state resources. It makes sense to me,” Marian explained.

According to the draft voted by MEPs, they have removed several barriers to financing for purchasing housing on more favorable terms. People unemployed in the Republic of Moldova but have official income obtained in our country, such as freelancers, lawyers, bailiffs, taxi drivers, artists, etc., can also apply for the state program “Prima casa Plus.” The draft increases the credit limit from 1 million lei to 2.5 million lei. The state now guarantees a quota for loans from 50% to 65% or 70% for housing outside Chisinau municipality. The lending period has been extended from 25 to 30 years. The legislation stipulates that the beneficiary must use the dwelling purchased under the program only for personal use or together with family members and must have permanent residence in that dwelling until the mortgage loan matures.

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