Yes, we were wrong. Realitatea thanks everyone for your attention

Yes, we were wrong. We own up and admit it.

Although it all began during the broadcast, one of our colleagues zealously misinterpreted the news headline published afterward. This misinterpretation later fueled a political campaign that spiraled into misinformation and manipulation on social media. In response, we deleted the news story because we recognized that we were misrepresenting the information and wanted to ensure accurate reporting.

This regrettable situation once again demonstrates the importance and power of the media and the danger it can cause by being used to misinform.

Of course, the situation did not stop there. Other politicians, platforms, message multiplier networks, and official communications have taken over. Some purposefully – attacking, others defending. The explanation is one – elections.

Going beyond the news situation, we thank them all. We thank them for attacks, affiliations, associations, disassociations, understanding, lack of solidarity, phone calls, warning messages, for using us for political purposes, for using the moment and the situation for subjective purposes, for parodies, for public and private expressions, warnings, for invented memories, emotions, regrets, and nerves.


We thank them all for their thoughtful treatment of us in this situation.

We thank everyone for reminding us that we can only rely on ourselves and not to create expectations.

We thank them for any action or inaction, which made us realize once again the value and importance of our mission and journalism – to inform correctly and to contribute to the education of society. To confirm once again that the European path is not simple and not easy and that the Soviet past will follow us for a long time until it will remain only in the history books. A headline is enough…

Thank you for this lesson, which makes us even more determined to work for the Republic of Moldova to be a sovereign state based on democracy and European values and for the citizens of our country to represent a multicultural people, enjoying the cultural richness of all nationalities, tolerant, law-abiding and wanting to be part of European civilization.

For those wondering whether the Republic of Moldova will sell its land to foreigners, the answer is no.

Read more HERE.

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