The US Embassy in Moldova announced the position of the institution regarding the assassination of opposition politic Oleg Khorozhan in Transnistria


The US Embassy in Moldova condemned the killings of opposition politic Oleg Khorozhan in Transnistria. This was reported in a press release from the institution.

“The United States Embassy condemns the murder of political activist Oleg Horjan in the Transnistria region and calls for an immediate, full, transparent, and impartial investigation. Our condolences go out to Mr. Horjan’s family and loved ones, who for too long were separated from him during his unjust imprisonment by the Transnistrian de facto authorities.”

The OSCE Mission in Moldova has called on the authorities in Tiraspol to “thoroughly investigate this crime and provide transparent information to the public” regarding the death of the leader of the Transnistrian Communists, Oleg Khorzhan. The announcement was made today, July 18, on social media platforms.

Transnistrian opposition politician, leader of the Communist Party of Transnistria, Oleg Khorzhan, was found dead on July 17 in his house near Tiraspol. Six months ago, he was released from the Transnistrian prison, and last week, on behalf of the Union of Opposition Forces of Transnistria, he signed a declaration on cooperation with the Moldovan Civil Congress. Simultaneously, the murder was investigated in Tiraspol and Chisinau, and even from the first reports about it, they did not even agree on the method of its commission.