The EU sees an optimistic economic perspective for Moldova. A new episode of the “Dă sens banilor” podcast


The 8th edition of the “Dă sens banilor” podcast provides updates on the macroeconomic situation in the Republic of Moldova, in the context of inflation stabilization, and offers forecasts for the year 2024.

The guest of journalist Liliana Barbăroșie is the Project Manager at the Delegation of the European Union in Chișinău, Josip Joric.

As an expert in the field, he shares insights into European support and its role. He also discusses how Moldova should attract foreign investments and which projects are necessary for the development of the financial system. Additionally, he highlights the issues that our country needs to address in order to access European funds.


“Moldova is a small country. One very important thing to consider for such an economic structure is the need to prioritize and think strategically. Moldova is not China, so it cannot develop all sectors simultaneously. Therefore, it is very important to choose. What your government has done in the development strategy, and we believe it’s a good thing, is prioritizing certain sectors. We think these are well chosen and reflect certain comparative advantages that Moldova has. These sectors include, for example, agriculture, IT, and certain areas of technological development. It is also important to keep in mind that when we talk about a field, we need to invest additional efforts to advance in the value chain in these sectors. This is perhaps a fanciful way of saying that you should generate more sophisticated products and add more value compared to what you are currently doing. So, producing agricultural products is excellent. You have excellent agricultural products, and we all benefit from them because we consume excellent food. But if you use these agricultural products to manufacture, for example, cosmetics or to produce jam instead of just growing some fruits, then you can sell them globally at a higher price. And I think this is the right approach that Moldova should adopt to attract investors to those sectors that are higher up in the value chain because it will help you with exports and ultimately bring more benefits to the citizens.”

At the end of the edition, expert Josip Joric explained what the European Union represents and the economic advantages of candidate status, how the capital market works, and why the National Bank of Moldova is needed.

The full interview can be watched below.