Igor Grosu regarding the attacks in Transnistria: There is a grouping there who wants to escallate the situation


The President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, who commented on the recent incidents on the left of the Dniester, let it be understood that in the Transnistrian region there is a camp that wants to escape the situation in Transnistria and directly in the Republic of Moldova. The statement was made in the show “Fourth Power” from the N4 television station.

“We notice that someone wants to escalate and tense the situation to the left of the Dniester: those few incidents that took place-the attack on MGB and Maiaki Antenna. I will tell you the information we have from the field, of what we have at the moment, because we are going to analyze, to investigate and to make a conclusion of what is happening there. Conventionally speaking, we on the left of the Dniester have to say such two parties, not necessarily in the sense of politics, the game of war, the hot minds, which probably want to climb to the left of the Dniester and a more moderate match, within the authorities on the left of the Dniester who understands. Better what can be the consequences of a scenario that no one wants. ” – Igor Grosu mentioned.

The head of the legislature believes that the simple people there do not want to escalate the situation and this is confirmed by several aspects, respectively there is a group that wants less peace in the area.

“Because even at the level of society, with all the propaganda that persist there, people do not want to escape. We observe by increasing their addressability to the offices for perfecting the documents, I refer, for the completion of passports, bulletins. We also observe an influx of Transnistrian citizens on the right bank. So at the level of people, society, they do not want this, escalating the conflict. Therefore, we can say that it is an attempt at the group that wants less peace, the challenge of destabilization to the left of the Dniester, with very bad consequences for the left bank and for the Republic of Moldova, we must say it with open text. ” – the parliamentarian said.

The Moldovan speaker mentioned the steps that our authorities have undertaken to prevent and be prepared in the future for such situations.

“What we do, we strengthened all our actions in what is about the border line, on the passage, ensuring the security of the main institutions, the critical infrastructure as we say, things that were done very quickly. We have contacted our main development partners we informed about what is happening here. So we are with our eyes on the Transnistrian region and I hope very much to prevail a lucid mind and not the minds that seek to train the Republic of Moldova in some actions that no one wants. ” – concluded the official.

We remind that in the last days on the left of the Dniester there were a series of attacks that targeted the administrative building of the Transnistrian MGB, and today the radio transmissions from Maiaki, Grigoriopol. Victims have not been recorded. According to Tiraspol leader, Vadim Krasnoselski, the traces of the attacks would be from Ukraine.