Prime Minister Dorin Recean met with the Moldovan diaspora in Hungary


Prime Minister Dorin Recean, accompanied by Agriculture and Food Minister Vladimir Bolei and Interior Minister Andrian Efros, convened with members of the Moldovan diaspora in Hungary yesterday. According to the government’s public relations department, the prime minister elaborated on our government’s endeavors to strengthen Moldova’s ties with the European Union. He underscored the pivotal role of each citizen in our journey towards EU accession.

“I ensured that our citizens, regardless of their location, are keenly interested in developments back home and are well-informed about the challenges we face. Hence, one of the government’s foremost priorities is fostering a highly constructive dialogue with the diaspora and actively engaging them in the transformative processes within our country,” expressed Prime Minister Dorin Recean.


The conversation shed light on the measures undertaken by the executive branch to enact policies incentivizing the diaspora’s return, enabling them to contribute their expertise in key sectors. Additionally, the discussion delved into strategies for the government to deliver more effective and personalized support tailored to the specific needs of our compatriots residing in the diaspora.