EU and UNDP will support 12 communities on both banks of the Dniester River in local development


The European Union’s “Confidence Building Measures” program, administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has initiated a call to select 12 communities spanning both banks of the Dniester River to receive local development assistance.

During the initial phase, these 12 communities will receive consultancy services aimed at enhancing community involvement in local development endeavors. This approach seeks to tap into the creativity and potential of residents, thereby enhancing living standards and fostering trust.

“In the subsequent phase, six infrastructure projects (three on each riverbank) will be chosen for funding through the EU’s ‘Confidence Building Measures’ program, facilitated by UNDP. Detailed information regarding the application process and content requirements is available online. Eligibility extends to communities situated in both the right bank security zone and the left bank of the Dniester River. The deadline for participation in the competition is March 13, 2024,” explains UNDP.


Preference will be given to communities with a track record of implementing development projects, demonstrating the sustainability of their ideas, and emphasizing confidence-building efforts.

This competition launch underscores the ongoing commitment of the European Union and UNDP to fostering cooperation between communities on either side of the Dniester River. Such collaborative initiatives involving local partners, civil society organizations (CSOs), and other stakeholders aim to strengthen bonds and promote shared prosperity.

The “Confidence-Building Measures” program, generously funded by the European Union and executed by UNDP, plays a pivotal role in nurturing trust among residents across the Dniester River by engaging them in collaborative development ventures.