(DOC) Rapper MC Doni was not allowed to enter Moldova. He was going to perform in Taraclia. What Mayor Lupov says


Rapper MC Doni, the guest of honor at the Taraclia city festival, has been banned from entering Moldova. He landed on Sunday, 5 May, at Chisinau airport on an airplane from Istanbul, Turkey. The authorities say that the singer did not have proper papers.

The rapper doesn’t follow the conditions set out in Article 8 of Law 200 of 16 July 2010 on the regime of the stay of foreigners in Moldova. 

“He was not allowed to enter Moldova because he doesn’t follow the conditions for entry,” said Raisa Novitschi, spokeswoman for the Border Police.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Taraclia blames the authorities in Chisinau.

“It’s true, MC Doni is no longer coming. We have already found another singer who will perform on the town’s feast day, this time it is a surprise. Even though the raider is an Uzbek citizen, he was not allowed into Moldova for unclear political reasons. There are provocations from the government”, mayor Veaceslav Lupov told Realitatea.md.


Taraclia Mayor published the poster.