Justice minister about new prosecutor general: He can act decisively


Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru is confident that the new prosecutor general will improve the prosecutor’s office efficiency, bring stability to the system, and make efforts in the fight against corruption and crime.

“Ion Munteanu has all the necessary skills to act more decisively. His answers in the contest were quite clear. Of course, I would like Ion Munteanu to do much more as acting prosecutor general. But on the other hand, he had the opportunity to see the problems and challenges,” Veronica Mihailov-Moraru said in an interview with Radio Moldova.

The justice minister believes that Ion Munteanu’s future actions as prosecutor general should promote the verification process.

“The post of prosecutor general is also significant to set the tone of stability in the prosecutor’s office system, to strengthen the prosecutor’s corps, to set the tone in the fight against high corruption. But we must recognize that the head of the Prosecutor General’s Office cannot work alone. It must be a joint activity with other authorities. Taking into account that now we are going through the procedure of vetting prosecutors, the first actions need to towards increasing the efficiency of the prosecutor’s office system, strengthening the prosecutor’s corps, and sending positive signals about the necessity of the vetting process, as well as intensifying efforts regarding the quality of investigation of corruption cases and taking measures when some investigations are not quite adequate.”


On June 1, President Maia Sandu signed a decree appointing Ion Munteanu as the Prosecutor General of Moldova. The term of office of the new head of the Prosecutor General’s Office is seven years.