Moldova’s national team of sommeliers is leading the challenges at the world blind tasting competition in Bordeaux

In the heart of the famous Bordeaux wine region, Moldova’s national team of sommeliers entered the arena of the world blind tasting competition, which took place from October 10 to 14. Tension filled the atmosphere as each bottle opened, posing an intense challenge and testing the knowledge and palate of the world’s top sommeliers.

Among the teams from 39 countries, the Moldovan representatives demonstrated a burning passion and near infallible precision. With each tasting, they succeeded in revealing the hidden secrets of the wines in a race against the clock and without any visual cues. Every moment counted, and the pressure to identify aromatic subtleties and regions of origin was palpable.

“Every competition at this level is a battle against time and one’s limits. We focused entirely on deciphering the flavors, determined to prove that Moldova has a strong voice in the world of sommeliers,” said Mihail Druta, the team leader, emphasizing the determination and team spirit that drove them throughout the competition.


The national team participation would not have been possible without the main sponsors, Purcari Wines and Domus Italia, who unconditionally supported this journey and contributed to the team’s success in the international competition.

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